Remote Instruction
Step 1:
Goto Remote Page Site
"Start a new session"
Step 2:
Type your name to join the session then click "Start Session"
Step 3:
Download and Run the file, any pop-up question please click "Yes" or "Allow"
Save and Run the "ConnectWiseControl.Client.exe" file
Step 4:
After run "Screenconnect" icon will show in the system tray and we will see you are online.
Step 5:
You can double click the "ScreenConnect" icon and text message to us.
Step 6:
After remote you can right click "Screenconnect" icon and "Exit" the session, then we can't remote anymore.
Step 1.
Sometime your problem is can't access the e-mail, so you can go to our Screenconnect site to join the session. 2.
Enter your Secure Code, this code you should call our engineer to get the code for remote session
Step 3.
After enter the Secure Code you can click << This icon
Step 4.
Click "Launch", "Allow", "Run anyway", "Accept" or "Yes" to start the application
Step 5
After session is connected, screen right-down coner will show ScreenConnect icon and waiting host to remote.
Step 6
After remote support, Host will disconnect the session and you will receive the following screen
Or you can right click the ScreenConnect icon and click Exit to close the remote session
< Download ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.exe for Windows | |
< Download ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.msi for Windows | |
< Download ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.pkg for Mac |
Step 1.
After click may show the following screen, please click "Save", "Keep" or "Run"
Step 2
Double click the "Elsinore.ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.exe" to start the Desktop Client", if pop-up the following screen, please click "Run anyway", "Allow", "Accept"
Step 3
waiting for the installation, it may pop-up to require grant permission, please click "Run anyway", "Run", "Allow" or "Accept"
Step 4
After install the right-down corner will show the "ScreenConnect" icon
Step 5
You can double click the icon you message Support Engineer and check the connection status.
Remark :
We disabled "Exit" function for resident install, if you want screenconnect please uninstall on Control Panel or send message to support.