The following step show you how to install Anydesk to remote the Host only, You can using Windows, Mac, iPad or Mobile Phone! Of course using iPad or Mobile will difficult to control the mouse cursor!
Step 1: Goto and download the Client
Click “Free Download”
Step 2: After download, click and install it
Step 3: Open “AnyDesk” and type “ID” or “Alias” on Remote Desk textbox then click “Connect“
Step 4: Enter the Password
Step 5: Now you are work and remote the Computer
If you remote the computer is on Windows 10 Welcome screen and require click “Ctrl + Alt + Del”, you can find the “Flash” button on Menubar then select “Ctrl + Alt + Del” sent the key to host.
Enable Privacy Mode
When you remote your Office Computer in Home, what you did in-home actually anyone can saw on monitor in-office, so this will have privacy problem when you work with account, admin or HR job, you can click “Shield” on menubar and click “Enable privacy mode” then Office LCD monitor will turn black the screen.
Remember when you quit the remote session must close all sensitive files, else once you close the remote session, your screen will back to normal!! If you forgot close the file, someone may saw it.
Change AnyDesk Password
- Open Anydesk, click “Options” > “Setting”
- Left side click “Security”, if right side you saw “Unlock Security Settings…”, please click to unlock it.Remark: But you may have no permission to unlock if this is your office computer and you have no permission for install software, that mean you also no permission to change security setting for Anydesk.
- Click “Set Password for unattended access…”
- Change the password