After Windows Update to 20H2, most computers got Chinese typing problem, the Chinese input becomes an English mode when switch to Chinese will show Traditional Chinese IME is not ready yet.
每當轉換為中文輸入模式均會出現 IME is not ready
When you install the Language only saw Language Pack Downloading only.
查看語言安裝, 永遠只會看見下載及安裝語言包, 沒有其他
After install, the Language only saw Display UI only.
安裝後語言只有語系顯示, 缺乏其他輸入項目
Solution 解決方法:
Please make sure your login has administrator rights and full internet function no restriction by any IT guys.
先確保你的帳號有管理員身份, 可以安裝軟件及更改設定, 上網並沒有受到任何限制.
Typically the problem is your login doest not have administrator right, so when install the language will only install the Language UI only
暫時問題一般都是沒有管理員身份所造成, 沒有管理員身份, 在安裝語言時只會有語系顯示安裝而缺小了輸入模式, 我相信這是一個Microsoft的問題!
Remove the Chinese Language and Install Again
On the install period, others such as Basic Typing will start to Downloading
If your download shows the below error 0x800F0954, this is a bug or Microsoft problem, I think the only way is trying on the next day, because last time I have no ideal how to fix it, but after two days I did the same install it work again without any change and any Windows update on the machine, just suddenly work with the installation.
可能會出現下圖 Error 0x800F0954, 我相信這是Bug或Microsoft問題, 我建議隔幾天再重新試試看安裝語言, 因為最近出現這個情況我最終無法解決, 但隔了兩天後再重新安裝就成功了, 這兩天是沒有更改任何設定或有任何 Windows Update更新過, 相信是Microsoft問題
After install, the language has full function.